The wonderful lady who is takes care of our hair told the girls last year about the organization called " locks of love." This is an amazing organization that uses to the donated hair to make wigs for cancer patients. This is something that the girls thought was a great thing to do and also Pearl had been asking for such a long time to get her hair cut,It was a little harder for Ruby to come to the decision. But in the end Ruby and Pearl gave up 9 inches of hair. Jade would have loved too but she did not have that much to give !!!! late bloomer. So she got to have a little trim to make her feel part of the action.
Once the cuts were made Pearl was over the
moon, Ruby did not know whether she had made the right decision !!!!! And just to add to that her hair has been the slowest to grow back.
We are very fortunate to have the coolest stylist out there. When we go the girls get to paint their nails and even make cookies sometimes as well as get cool colors in their hair.