Well looking at the last time that I sat down to contribute
to this blog I must have been very busy or avoiding it. I think a little of
both we have like everyone had school and pets and parents thrown into the mix.
But now that school is out for the summer and we have 7 week old kittens,
because mom could not make the appointment fast enough to get Miss Ella
fixed!!!! ( I don’t like that word) But
they are such a great addition to our family and the girls get another
opportunity to learn responsibility.
The Treetops sisters have been out and about performing on
the pre-school circuit and we have been learning about our new PA system. Once
we work out the kinks it should be great but that leaves me being sound tech
and I don’t know how prepared I am for that. The girls are getting bigger, it
is funny how they do that without you noticing and then one day you turn around
and they are 10, 8 and 7. Miss Jade is still cashing in on being little and
making people believe that she is about 5 and not the responsible 7 year old
that she should be. I think this is going to be the summer that the game is up
and she is going to have to handle the chores and the responsibilities that are
assigned to her.
We have been working through various ways to get our chores done…..
Some days it takes us 20 minutes and someday is can take 6 hours of painful
reminders from mom. Where are merry maids when you need them….. I have in the
back of my mind that next summer we are going to get a gig at the beach and
just sing and have fun the whole summer long. Ok well back to the dishes and
the bathrooms for me.