Saturday, July 30, 2011

Is sumer half over or half begun !

We are now in the middle of our summer as we count down  the weeks until school starts again and Miss Jade will be a full fledged Kindergartner..... I am sure that that it will be a roller coaster ride in the beginning. 
VBS Rock Star
But trying not to get a head of my self there are still some weeks left to enjoy.Although we try to stay pretty close to home we have still managed to pack in  a sleep over and some vacation bible school time as well as trying to keep up with dental appointments. I know for some of you that is not the hectic pace that your family has but I just feel that I see them for such a short time when they are in school that I want to enjoy every minute that I can in the summer.

We really seem to slow down during the summer, no dance, no violin and some guitar. We go old school... read books, draw pictures and play barbies and go swimming. I must say that I enjoy these low key days, hopefully we are teaching the girls that you don't have to have technology to be entertained ! We have been trying to get in the kitchen more, not my favorite place. I am English and you have all heard about our cooking talents. But I want the girls to have some skills and I could use some more inspiration on that front. I think that it stems from working on cruise ships for over ten years and never  having to cook a meal !!!!!!!! or do laundry or clean a toilet, OK  I will stop now or I will be in a tail spin. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

End of School and on with Summer !!!!!!!!!

Happy campers

Well,  we are finished with school !!! We have now graduated from pre school, Kindergarten and the 2nd grade. I found that as we got closer to the end of school we had to initiate donut Friday, this was a great help in getting everyone out of the door and on our way. 

Pearl Last day of Kindergarten
Pearl loved Kindergarten and is reading up a storm we will see if we can keep up the summer reading !!! This was my first Kindergarten graduation as Ruby was home schooled for K and part of 1st grade. I must say it was a proud moment for the parents the kids just wanted to get to the refreshments. 

Terry and Miss Jade
Terry got to come to Jade pre school party! wow.... those kids no how to expend some energy.

Last day of  2nd Grade
 Ruby had a great second grade and is full steam a head for 3rd grade... it is all going a little to fast for me. Hopefully we will make  our summer last till the bitter end and that we will make the most of every opportunity ( with lots of quiet moments also )


Then we got a much needed vacation visiting Grandparents and having some family fun... low tech no computers or TV's in site.... I loved it !!!!

Family in Grandma's sprinklers !