Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hard lessons to learn.

Last weekend we went through what many probably have,  the loss of a pet. This as a parent is a time when you want to be able to comfort your children and tell them that everything is going to be alright. And yet you know that this is a valuable life lesson for them.Life does come to an end and that this is something that can be unexpected and sudden.

We found out that our new kitten Tom had been knocked down in the street as we were on our way back from a dance competition. We had won medals and had a great time watching others as well as dancing and bonding with our team mates. I had the job of telling the girls and bringing them down from their time of excitement. Immediately following the tears and the uncontrollable sobs began to come. I like everyone else I am sure, find it so hard to just sit and not try and fix the problem when your children are hurting. But this is something that everyone has to go through; it is truly a painful thing to have to see your children go through.

On the brighter side we also have the sister to Tom and we have showered her with love and kisses, on the hour! And after a few days we have been able to look at pictures and reminisce about our lovable kitten that we lost.

You have to grieve but you also have to go on and live life! Hopefully this is what the girls have learned as well as their mom. We love you Tom.