Saturday, August 13, 2011

We have found that it is not always possible to travel with Terry but we do have one location that works so well for all the family. Lake of the Ozarks has all the things the girls like to do, swimming and movies and also a wonderful facility  called Miner Mikes it is an inside play  area that has bumper cars and ferries wheel and a train. not too mention a play area with slides and ball pits. It is for children up to the age of twelve and with the incredible heat wave that we have experienced it was the perfect entertainment for the girls. 

And we are getting to the stage where we have great time in the car traveling playing eye spy and watching movies as well as sonic stops for slushes. Jade is now able to get into the climbing area without my assistance and my knees are very glad of that. We also have the swimming in the pool under control without mom having  a nervous break down, I am not quiet sure how I started off as a very calm person and now at times I can  be a little manic to say the least, breath !!!!!!!!! 
 So our girls are growing up and we have fun when we travel together, although when I look at the van after the journey and see the sea of trash that never made it too the garbage can I have to have a quiet moment and remember all of the great moments that we had on the trip. While we were at Miner Mikes I  am glad that  I dont have a smartphone, as alot of the parents  where busy with the  laptops and phone Apps rather than enjoying the kids and all the fun interactions .  Don't get me wrong I have my moments like right now as the girls are playing in tents right next to me as I am typing  this!  I should really be  on the floor playing and do this at a better time. 
 But we are only human !!!! so we made it through the summer, school is about to start and I think that we made some memories and grew as a family.And now we will tackle Kindergarten, first grade and 3rd grade.